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As a coach for over 25 years, I have motivated and empowered thousands of men and women, from CEO's and entrepreneurs to world class athletes to mother's of six.  Each and every one has achieved life-changing goals by tapping into the #1 most powerful, plentiful, and free resource  -- your MINDSET.


Here's what I know, women interpret the world differently than men.  In order to overcome their barriers to success, we need to have real conversations that invite women to address and assess.


I have categorized women's barriers into four buckets that I emphatically kick over during each speech:

1.  People Pleasing Problem

2.  Superwoman Syndrome

3.  Perfectionism Paradox

4.  Competition vs Community Conundrum

When women embrace their capability to choose their thoughts, to break free from self-defeating voices and antiquated societal expectations, that's when women win at life.  They feel more confident and contribute more actively to improve their environments - at work, home, in their communities and beyond.  


My clients have overcome adversity, self-doubt, setbacks, and struggles, but the fundamental life lessons are the same - when you change your story, you change the trajectory of your life.  


Therein lies the power of a storyteller (AKA motivational speaker).  I invite my to listeners to reframe my examples of turning perceived challenges into growth opportunities.  To recognize you have the capability to accomplish your goals by choosing self-awareness, self-acceptance, and implementing intentional action. 


Every speech includes my tangible tips and tools to empower my audience to make change... to Live Your Truth.

Clapping Audience


  • Stimulate new ideas. We can often get stuck in our thinking. Hearing stories that exemplify a common barrier (like fear of change) and how it was solved can introduce new ideas for your employees to overcome similar challenges.  


  • Increase drive. A motivated employee is a productive, loyal one.  As an inspirational speaker, I will help boost enthusiasm and drive through humor, inspirational stories and tales of adversity, which will inspire and refresh your team. 


  • Compel them to action. Coming from someone outside your organization, a message about patience, endruance or hard work is often better received by employees.  Your peoplel need to be compelled to do their jobs and be happy at the same time. They need purpose and they need to be engaged.  Hosting a special event will give your employees the compulsion to act in a way taht advances your organization.


  • Promote teamwork.  Recognizing individuals is good practice, but it's also imprtant to nurture teamwork. I  promote the importance of teamwork, as well as unify the team around a common vision, helping your employees to embrace and work together toward that goal.


  • Drive performance. A good keynote speaker will generate motivation, but it may not carry over into the workplace. A great motivational speaker will drive action that lasts long after the event ends. My speeches are catalyst for change, influencing employee behaviors that lead to increased productivity and performance.



Issaquah, WA 98027


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